Shearography NDT - How it works...
- The camera captures the unstressed Reference image
- The IR Stressing device then heats the surface image
- The face sheet deforms more where it is unsupported by the core due to disbonds
- Local deformations are displayed in real-time
- Defects are shown in detail in the final Unwrapped image.
Laser interferometric imaging NDT techniques such as holography and shearography have seen dramatic performance improvements in the last decade and wide acceptance in industry as a means for high-speed, cost effective inspection and manufacturing process control. These performance gains have been made possible by the development of the personal computer, high resolution CCD and digital video cameras, high performance solid-state lasers and the development of phase stepping algorithms. System output images show qualitatively pictures of structural features and surface and subsurface anomalies as well as quantitative data such as defect size, area, depth, material deformation vs. load change and material properties. Both holography and shearography have been implemented in important aerospace programs providing cost effective, high-speed defect detection.
Holography interferometry images test part responses to changes in load, as well as component movement. Holography nondestructive testing using continuous wave lasers and video frame rate data acquisition requires vibration isolation, usually in the form of air supported isolation tables. Coupled with ultrasonic vibration excitation of the test part, holographic systems in production provide very high-resolution images of disbonds in small complex shaped parts, such as turbine aircraft components and medical devices.
Shearography nondestructive testing systems use a common path interferometer to image the first derivative of the out-of-plane deformation of the test part surface in response to a change in load. This important distinction is responsible for two key phenomena. First, shearography is less sensitive to the image degrading effect of environmental vibration. Shearography systems may be built as portable units or into gantry systems, similar to UT C-Scan systems, for scanning large structures. Second, the changes in the applied load required to reveal subsurface anomalies frequently induce gross deformation or rotation of the test part. With holography, several important test part stressing techniques, such as thermal and vacuum stress, create gross part deformation. Defect indications may be completely obscured by these translation fringe lines. Shearography, on the other hand is sensitive only to the deformation derivatives and tend to show only the local deformation on the target surface due to the presence of a surface or subsurface flaw.
Shearography NDT, in particular offers unique and proven defect detection capabilities in aerospace composites manufacturing. Shearography images show changes in surface slope, in response to a change in applied load. Shearography whole field, real-time imaging of the out-of-plane deformation derivatives is sensitive to subsurface disbonds, delaminations, core damage, core splice joint separations as well as surface damage. Secondary aircraft structures have long used composite materials. The drive for better vehicle performance, lower fuel consumption and maintainability are pushing the application of composites and sandwich designs for primary structures as well. Faster and less expensive inspection tools are necessary to reduce manufacturing costs and ensure consistent quality.