Shearography NDT Feasibility Study
Laser Shearography is a growing NDT inspection method that is finding new applications every day as new materials and structures are being designed to improve their structural performance whether it is for an aerospace, marine, automotive or other industry.
Laser Shearography is non-contact, has a large field-of-view and inspection time is measured in seconds. All of these attributes can help a manufacturing company to improve inspection time, quality and productivity.
Laser Technology Inc. offers the service to evaluate a structure and or material to determine it’s applicability to be inspected by Laser Shearography or Holography techniques. LTI has available at its lab all of the possible stressing excitation tools for this evaluation.
All feasibility tests are typically done at no-charge unless out of pocket expense is incurred which would be passed on to the customer at actual cost. The customer will be advised in advance if any fee is to be charged for their approval. A complete feasibility study report is supplied with photos and shearography images of the study and equipment recommendations.
It is recommended that any samples sent to LTI be provided with a defect map and a brief explanation of the problem or type of defect to be detected. Include a cross sectional view drawing of the sample which will aid LTI understanding the problem and resolve an inspection solution.
For more information or to schedule NDT Application Feasibility Study, please contact Christa Ditlow at Phone: 610-631-5043 x10 or email: