Laser Technology Inc. has been the leading manufacturer of holography and Shearography systems for more than 20 years. Our engineers have extensive first hand knowledge of a broad range of materials, structures and NDT applications. We may have the cost effective solution to your inspection applications.
Laser Mirror Mirror CCDCamera Computer & ImagingSoftware Test PartStress Controller & Sensors Vacuum, Thermal,Vibration ShearographyImage Calibration Phase StepperController Stress Device(Thermal ) Adjustable2 axis tiltshears images Laser LightIlluminates Test Part Surface Non- Visibledisbonds,impact damage,delaminated face sheet or core damage HoneycombTest Part Beam Splitter Monitor PhaseStepper ReflectedLaser Lightenters Shearcamera IR EnergyHeats TestPart Surface


Shearography NDT - How it works...

Click the TEST Button to start a shearography test on the honeycomb panel:
  1. The camera captures the unstressed Reference image
  2. The IR Stressing device then heats the surface image
  3. The face sheet deforms more where it is unsupported by the core due to disbonds
  4. Local deformations are displayed in real-time
  5. Defects are shown in detail in the final Unwrapped image.

Holography Technology

Aircraft Engines

Spacecraft & Launch Vehicles


COPV Tanks & Rocket Motors